Innovation. Quality. Performance. Best in Industry. Worldwide.
The Vector Pulses Per Inch (VPPI) function is used to set the number of vector pulses issued per inch. If the
operator is rastering an image, then he or she should verify that the VPPI matches the DPI of the image being
rastered. During the cutting sequence, the VPPI is determined by the material.
1. Press
to access the menu system.
2. Press
X-axis Jog Arrows
until Params_2D is highlighted in blue.
3. Press
to access the Params_2D sub-menu.
4. Press
X-axis Jog Arrows
until VPPI is highlighted in blue.
5. Press
to adjust the VPPI.
6. Enter the number of pulses used during the vector sequence using the number keypad (e.g., 2500).
7. Press
to record the VPPI and return to the Params_2D sub-menu. The value entered will be shown
on the display.
Routers * Lasers * Plasma * WaterJets * Knife Cutters
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