Once a week, check the steam air exhaust valve.
Once a week, check valve.
Periodic inspection
Once a year, tightening fittings and detection-off state, should be completed by a
professional electrician.
Once, due to extreme wear and tear, lock device must be checked every five years.
Instructions: This repair manual is to provide professionals. Unless you are a
professional, otherwise when the equipment fails, be sure to consult the
instructions and press the manual for repair. Instructions have been possible to
provide professional maintenance methods
7.1. Changing the water tank
1) Remove the transparent silicone tube can drain until the water tank drain.
2) the distilled water into the tank, the water level the water level should,
between the maximum and minimum water.
7.2. Exhaust steam valve cleaning steps:
Before you begin, you should cut off the power supply and ensure that no
pressure inside the sterilization chamber
1) Remove the tank lid.
2) by stretching before and after steam escape valve, flush valve orifice steam
3) If it is necessary to replace the steam escape valve, before replacing, to wait
for equipment cooling, the pressure drops to 0MPa.
7.3 Checking the safety valve
It is located above the rear.
Safety valve in order to prevent the blockade state, under normal use, every two
months, so that steam pressure is released through it once.
1) According to the manual, sterilized operation.
2) the pressure generated inside the sterilization container 0.21MPa.
3) Use a screwdriver to push the safety valve handle, resulting in it is open, about
2 seconds.
4) Turn off the main switch, the operation is terminated. Meanwhile, within the
discharge vessel steam sterilization.