3 Product description
Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH 2020
5293079/01 EN
VM-Ex Name plate
The name plate for the explosion-protected protective relay is on the rear of
the product.
Figure 12: Position of name plate Rupture disk
The rupture disk is a pressure relief device without signaling contact in ac-
cordance with IEC 60214-1 and is located in the on-load tap-changer head
The rupture disk responds to a defined overpressure in the oil compartment
of the on-load tap-changer. Temperature monitoring
The temperature monitoring system monitors the temperature of the insulat-
ing fluid in the oil compartment of the on-load tap-changer.
3.3 Drive shaft
3.3.1 Function description
The drive shaft is the mechanical connection between the drive and the on-
load tap-changer head.
The bevel gear changes the direction from vertical to horizontal.
Accordingly, the vertical drive shaft has to be mounted between the drive
and bevel gear, and the horizontal drive shaft between the bevel gear and
on-load tap-changer or de-energized tap-changer.