Introduction • Getting Help
APEX1000 All-Purpose Edge QAM Software Version 2.4.x • Installation and Operation Manual
Getting Help
To get assistance with your Motorola product or solution, or to access learning materials,
use one of the following channels:
Technical Assistance Center (TAC)
provides access to technicians 24 hours a day, 7
days a week for all products. Contact the TAC at 888-944-HELP (888-944-4357) or dial
direct 847-725-4011.
Motorola Online (MOL)
provides technical documentation and low-priority issue
(PON and BSR users see
Extranet Support below).
Digital Configuration Management
provides access to software downloads and
release notes. Or you can order from our digital configuration management servers by
going to
(PON users see Extranet Support below).
Learning Portal
provides self-paced product training and course descriptions of
instructor-led training classes at
. In many cases
training can be given at your location.
Extranet Support
provides access to technical publications for
users at
http://compass.motorola.com/go/ftth site
; and software downloads and technical
publications for
users at