Moore Industries-International, Inc.
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User’s Manual
May 2019
Functional Safety Dual Input Smart HART® Temperature Transmitter
Device Variable Display Flags
These flags control if individual Device Variables are shown. One or all Device Variables can be
selected (SEN1, SEN2, RJC T, BU1-2, BU2-1, AVG, DIF12, DIF21, ABDIF, LOSEL, HISEL).
When selected, a Device Variable is shown using two screens.
123.45 / Name (default or custom name)
123.45 / UNITS
If there is a problem with the Device Variable, then the following will be shown:
BADDQ / Name (default or custom name)
Configure Custom EGU*
Each Device Variable can have a custom EGU string specified for it. The Custom EGU must be
enabled in Advanced Settings for it to be displayed. This is a 5 character custom string.
Legal characters are:
A-Z (caps only)
% ‘ ( ) * + , - / < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _
Configure Custom Name*
Each Device Variable can have a custom name string specified for it. The custom name must be
enabled in Advanced Settings for it to be displayed. This is a 5 character custom string.
Legal characters are the same as those for custom EGU (see above)
For displayed Device Variables, the custom name will replace the default name.
Dynamic Variables cannot have a custom name. However when the underlying Device Variable’s
name is shown, the custom name is shown instead.