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(2)-3-3 How to obtain the equivalent piping length
Indoor unit sizes P200 and P250 must be connected to 2 ports on the BC controller.
Indoor unit sizes from P100 to P140 should normally be connected to 2 ports on the BC controller (set BC controller DIP-SW 4-6
to its ON position).
In cases whereby indoor unit sizes from P100 to P140 are connected to only 1port on the BC controller (set BC controller DIP-SW
4-6 to its OFF position), the cooling capacity of the indoor unit should be multiplied by a correction factor of
1 PURY-(E)P200YJM-A(-BS)
Equivalent length = (Actual piping length to the farthest indoor unit) + (0.35 x number of bends in the piping) m
2 PURY-(E)P250,300YJM-A(-BS)
Equivalent length = (Actual piping length to the farthest indoor unit) + (0.42 x number of bends in the piping) m
3 PURY-(E)P350YJM-A(-BS)
Equivalent length = (Actual piping length to the farthest indoor unit) + (0.47 x number of bends in the piping) m
4 PURY-(E)P400,450,500,550,600,650Y(S)JM-A(1)(-BS)
Equivalent length = (Actual piping length to the farthest indoor unit) + (0.50 x number of bends in the piping) m
5 PURY-(E)P700,750,800YSJM-A(1)(-BS)
Equivalent length = (Actual piping length to the farthest indoor unit) + (0.70 x number of bends in the piping) m
6 PURY-P850,900YSJM-A(-BS)
Equivalent length = (Actual piping length to the farthest indoor unit) + (0.80 x number of bends in the piping) m
(2)-3-4 Correction by port counts of the BC controller