Release 08/2014 - Spectroquant
Pipette 1.0 ml of the
sample into a 16-mm
Add to each cell 2.5 ml
of Cl-1 with pipette,
close with the screw
cap, and mix.
Measuring range: 10 – 250 mg/l Cl
16-mm cell
Quality assurance:
To check the measurement system (test reagents, meas-
urement device, and handling) we recommended to use
CombiCheck 60, Cat.No. 114696.
Ready-for-use chloride standard solution Certipur
Cat.No. 119897, concentration 1000 mg/l Cl
, can also
be used after diluting accordingly.
To check for sample-dependent effects the use of addition
solutions (e.g. in CombiCheck 60) is highly recommended.
Add to each cell 0.50 ml
of Cl-2 with pipette,
close with the screw
cap, and mix.
Pipette 1.0 ml of
distilled water into a
second 16-mm cell.
(Blank cell)
Select method 1 2 1 .
Insert the cell containing
the sample into the cell
compartment. Press
Test .
Reaction time:
1 minute
Press Enter to start
the countdown.
Check the pH of the
sample, specified range:
pH 1 – 12.
If required, add dilute
ammonia solution or
nitric acid drop by drop
to adjust the pH.
Insert the blank cell into
the cell compartment.
Press Zero .