fatal accident.
In the event your wheels are subject to any such
shocks from poor road surfaces, yet do show the signs of any da
mage we advise you to immediately have the wheels checked by a
qualified mechanic or other qualified person.
to check your wheels after they have been subject shock
as described above, even if they show no visable signs of
damage, could lead to wheel failure and resulting serious
or fatal accident
Quick release
The SWR wheels quick release
has already attached in the wheel pack.
The quick release lever has two fixed positions:
• OPEN (the text OPEN is visible)
• CLOSED (the text CLOSED is visible)
Every time you will use your bicycle, check carefully that the quick
release levers are on the position CLOSE (with the lever in closed
position, on the front side of the quick release the mark CLOSE
must be present) (Pic.6).
ATTENTION, please ensure the quick release lever is clo-
sed correctly and in the correct position. Failure to do
so could lead to wheel failure and resulting serious or
fatal accident.
All the positions different from the closed position have to be con
sidered extremely dangerous.
For the correct closing of the quick release:
• Starting from the opened position of the lever, making the nut
contact with the fork manually
• Bringing the lever from the opened position to the closed only
with the hand power (Pic.7)
• Turn manually with your fingers the quick release nut until its sits
against the cycle dropout, ensuring the quick release lever is sitting
in the “open position” (Pic. 7)
• Don’t use any tools (ex: tubes, extensions, …); the closing stress
has to be felt in the passage from the opened to the closed po-
sition (Pic.7).
• You never have to use the quick release lever as a nut to close the
quick release, because it will injury the quick release (Pic.8).
ATTENTION, turning the quick release lever to tighten
the quick release could result in damage to the quick re-
lease and cycle frame dropout, which could lead to whe-
el failure and resulting serious or fatal accident.
• Given that the wheels will be used on irregular surfaces, impacts,
hits or a fall can cause
also damage which cannot be visible with fast locking.
If one of these conditions is detected, please visit a
qualified mechanic or special personnel for an accurate
inspection of the locking, since its damage may cause
accidents, and serious or fatal injuries.
• After every washing, remove the locking from the hub and grease
the pin completely to
prevent oxidation.
Fitting of tubular
If you have any doubt whatsoever your service-repair abi-
lity, please take your bicycle to a qualified repair shop.
Before any maintenance operations on your wheels, always wear
gloves and protection glasses.
To fit the tubular tyre, follow carefully the instructions enclosed with
the tyre.
If at any point whilst fitting the tubular tyres to your Mi-
che wheels you have any doubt as to how the tubular
tyre has been fitted please consult a qualified cycle me-
chanic. The fitment of tubular tyres to Miche wheels is a
specialist skill. Incorrect fitting of tubular tyres to Miche
wheels could lead to wheel failure and resulting serious
or fatal accident
Fitting of Vibrostop
Clean the area of application
of the “Vibrostop”
Insert the “Vibrostop”
Press firmly the “Vibrostop”
once fitted to the rim