Operation of the ELC
page 34
ELC X-Series-V1.3-09.16-GB
subject to technical alterations
4.5 Dimming operation
After having reached nominal operation the desired lamp power can be infinitely adjusted
within the dimming range given in chapter 6.
Enter the desired power in Watts in register
[Power Set Value]
A set value of less than the minimum dimming range will automatically be
increased by the ELC to the minimum dimming range.
The warm-up time from standby operation to nominal operation depends on the
lamp's ambient conditions. If cooling is too intensive during dimming operation,
the acceleration time is prolonged.
4.6 Switching off the lamp
The lamp is switched off by setting the
{Start Lamp}
-bit to 0 in register
[Lamp Control]
In order to avoid heat accumulation in the ELC the 24V supply should be left on
for a few minutes. Before restarting, the lamp must be sufficiently cooled down as
it cannot be fired otherwise.