Figure 4 - 30: Audio Settings
• Type: Two audio codecs G.711 A-law/G.711 µ-law can be chosen from.
• Enable: Set "ON" to activate audio input when audio input device is plugged.
• Level: The sound levels are selectable: Low/Middle/High for audio input.
Please click “Save” button to save your settings or click “Reset to Default” to set all the data and options
back to the factory default settings.
Users can update System Firmware if available. All processes in camera will be stopped during firmware update. Please close
any other browser connections before firmware update. Never disconnect power or LAN cable during the updating process.
It takes approximately 3 minutes for the camera to reboot after firmware update process. Again, power can’t be lost when
updating firmware since it will cause the update failure and manufacturer maintenance will be required.
Figure 4 - 31: Firmware Update
• Firmware Update & Package Install: Click Browse to choose a corresponding firmware version and click Upload to make the
camera updated with the latest firmware.
• MCU Firmware Update: Click Browse to choose a corresponding MCU firmware version and click Upload to have the MCU
updated with the latest firmware.