4.2.5 Account Management
Account Setting
Figure 4 - 19: Account Settings
The camera privileged control relates to “Admin” level, which can handle both live view and all the configuration settings.
The default username and password for Admin are “admin” and “1234” respectively.
Differing from Admin, Operators level can access to unit for live view, storage, and remote lens control functions merely.
There’s no Operators user by default.
Other than Operators, Guest level can access to camera for live view function only. There’s no Guest user by default.
Revise settings of Admin/Operator/Guest levels:
• New User: To add a new user, click “New User” and then input a desired username and password (reenter for confirm field).
Finally click “Save” to take effect. (Available for Operators and Guest) Note that at the maximum of 5 users (Operator/Guest)
can be added.Delete User: Choose one of the users from the list and then click “Delete User” to remove it instantaneously.
(Available for Operators and Guest)
• Revise Password: Choose one of the users from the list first, and enter an updated password (reenter for confirm field). Finally
click “Save” to take effect. (Available for Admin, Operators and Guest)
The login ID and Password is supported less than 16 characters and input valid value only from '0' to '9', 'a'
to 'z', 'A' to 'Z', '.','-','+','_'and '@'.
Please click “Save” button to save your settings or click “Reset to Default” to set all the data and options
back to the factory default settings.