4.2.4 Network Settings
Below part explains how to configure a wired network connection for the camera.
Figure 4 - 12: Network Settings
Network Settings
• View Current Network Settings: Click on the “View” button to view your current network settings. A pop-up window will
display information such as IPv4 Address, Subnet Mask, Default Gateway, Primary and Secondary DNS.
Figure 4 - 13: Current Network Settings
• Camera Name: Input a preferred camera name here.
• HTTP Port: This protocol allows for TCP protocol quality without having to open specific ports for streaming. Users inside
a firewall can utilize this protocol to allow streaming data through. It is recommended to use the default port number 80;
however, if it is required to change the port number, please contact your system administrator with options ranging from
1025 to 65535.
• HTTPS Port: More secured than HTTP, HTTPS is based on HTTP with SSL/TLS protocol, therefore increasing the security
capabilities of SSL/TLS on standard HTTP communications. By default, it’s recommended to adopt 443 as the initial port
number. Nevertheless, please also contact your system administrator for other port number ranging from 1025 to 65535 if