Recording Settings:
This function is to define the way to record video once an alarm or motion event is triggered.
Figure 4 - 27: Recording Settings
• Pre-event Image (pcs): Set a number of images to be recorded immediately before an event occurs.
• Pre-event Image Interval (sec): Set a time interval before event recording.
• Post-event Image (pcs): Set a number of images to be recorded after an event occurs.
• Post-event Image Interval (sec): Set a time interval after event recording.
• File Name: Set file name to be stored for events separately.
• Sever Path: Set the desired path on the server to store data for events.
Please click “Save” button to save your settings or click “Reset to Default” to set all the data and options
back to the factory default settings.
Edge Recording
Image files can be saved onto the SD card through well setting in the section. Please make sure to insert SD card prior to
enabling this function.
Edge Recording Conditions:
Choose one of the conditions to enable the SD card recording: Alarm, Motion, or Network Loss.
Figure 4 - 28: SD Record Conditions
Edge Recording:
• Alarm / Motion Recording Time: Set a time interval (5 or 10 sec.) for SD card recording.
• Auto Overwrite: Set “OFF” or “ON” to disable or enable the SD card to be overwritten automatically when the SD card is full of
SD Card Information:
• Usage: Information of inserted SD card.
• SD Format: Click Format to execute SD card format procedure.
Please click “Save” button to save your settings or click “Reset to Default” to set all the data and options
back to the factory default settings.