The address for Multicast is roughly same with Unicast as the above, whilst the stream name will be followed by a low case
“m” as mentioned previously. Please refer to the samples below:
• rtsp://(camera IP address)/(Multicast stream 1)
• rtsp://(camera IP address)/(Multicast stream 2)
• rtsp://(camera IP address)/(Multicast stream 3)
For example: rtsp://
Multicast & Audio Multicast Address
Complex in its transmitting procedure and layer structure, Multicast streaming requires more specific settings containing
Multicast Address and Audio Multicast Address, both of which, as the UI suggesting, have a certain IP address range
( – for user to define individually.
Please click “Save” button to save your settings or click “Reset to Default” to set all the data and options
back to the factory default settings.
SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) is an Internet standard protocol on top of application layer that restructures
the exchange of management information among network-attached nodes, which helps administrators to remotely manage
network devices and master network problems with ease.
Figure 4 - 16: SNMP Settings
Tick “ON” or “OFF” to enable or disable.
SNMP v2/v2C
Tick “ON” or “OFF” to enable or disable.
SNMP V3 provides more security features than SNMP v1/SNMP v2/v2c. Tick “ON” to enable the function. Input User
Name for SNMP v3 first. Then select desired protocols for “Authentication” with “Privacy” and enter keys paired with both
protocols individually.