In this page, users can set FTP connection related settings.
Figure 4 - 14: FTP Settings
Basic Setting
• Login ID: Enter a login ID to be allowed to connect with FTP.
• Password: Enter a password associated with the login ID.
• Max Simultaneous Connection: Determine the number of maximum connections by inputting a number ranging from 1 – 10
in the Max Simultaneous Connection field. Please note that it is the maximum of FTP Client connections, not the maximum
of IE Window’s connections.
FTP Function
Simply click “ON” to activate the FTP function or “OFF” to disable it.
To log on the FTP, simply enter ftp://<Login ID>:<Password>@<ip address> in the location field of Microsoft’s Internet
Explorer and the recordings will be shown up. The default setting is ftp://admin:[email protected]. Refer to the names of
file and the folder for date and time of recordings.
Please click “Save” button to save your settings or click “Reset to Default” to set all the data and options
back to the factory default settings.