Delivery, Transport and Setting Up
3.3.4 Storage after delivery
If the incubator is initially to be stored after delivery: Read the storage conditions from page
61 .
3.4 Setup
The incubator can be placed either on the ground or on a table (work surface). When doing
this, ensure that the appliance is positioned exactly horizontally
The installation site must be
level and able to reliably carry the weight of the incubator (see page 16). Do not place the ap-
pliance on an inflammable surface.
A power connection must be available at the installation site in accordance with the connec-
tion data on the nameplate (see page 15 ).
The distance between the wall and the rear of the chamber must be at least 15 cm. The clear-
ance from the ceiling must not be less than 20 cm and the side clearance from the wall not
less than 8 cm ( Fig. 7 ). Sufficient air circulation in the vicinity of the chamber must be guaran-
teed at all times.
Fig. 7 Minimum
clearance from walls and ceiling