Pulse Time On (cyc)
This value is used to control how long the output
pulse is on during an Instantaneous pickup test.
This value is in cycles.
Pulsar Time Off (cyc)
This value is used to control how long the output
pulse is off during an Instantaneous pickup test.
This value is in cycles.
Target & Seal-In Ramp Specifications
Increment % / 100 msec
This value is used to control the how fast the
MPRT will increase the current to determine the
pickup value for the target and seal-in. The
value input into this field is in % increase per
100 msec. The default value for this field is 1 %
of pickup. Example: If the pickup is set for 2.0
amperes the MPRT will increase the current
magnitude 0.02 amperes every 100 msec until
the relay seal-in contacts close.
Relay Settings
The Relay Settings button will return the user to
the Relay Settings Menu.
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