and the lead/lag value range is –180
to +180
. The factory default is set to 75
lagging. The
second part is the value with a range of 0.0 to 999.9. If the user selects
range the user
will only be able to enter a value of
The time entry determines how long the relay will stay in the pre-fault state and the range is
0.0 to 999.9 milliseconds. The factory default is 100.0 milliseconds.
The bottom of the screen has common buttons.
Test Menu:
This selection will return the controller to the
Test Menu Screen.
Main Menu:
This selection will return the controller to the
Main Menu:
This button will set and apply the pre-fault
values. Impedance Relay Reach Test Result Screen
This screen displays the test results. The Zone and Fault values are copied from the setting
screen while all other values are calculated from the test results. The results of the test will be
displayed as “Test Passed” or “Test Failed”. No data may be entered in this screen.
Figure 34 Reach Test Screen
The bottom of the screen has common buttons.
This selection will take the user to the File
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