McAfee Gold Technical Support
To gain the maximum benefit, users should log into the ServicePortal
using the navigation pane on the left-hand side of the screen.
Creating an account
New users can create a ServicePortal account using the link provided.
You will be prompted for your name, email address, Grant Number,
and preferred language.
Please note that your email address domain name (
should match all other users registered with that Grant Number. If you
need to register with a different domain name, please contact Customer
Service. (Passwords need to include uppercase characters, numbers, and
at least one special character.)
One of the quickest ways to resolve a technical problem is to use the McAfee Virtual Technician (MVT). This is a web-based
automated tool designed to determine if your McAfee products are installed, updated, and working correctly. An easy-to-
follow interface allows for a seamless experience. Issues are proactively diagnosed and resolved where appropriate. For
more information, please see the
McAfee Virtual Technician
section of this document.
To aid our customers in increasing their knowledge and ability to rectify issues themselves, McAfee provides a holistic
environment targeted at reading, seeing, and doing.
Support by reading
Quick links to KnowledgeBase articles, product documentation, and frequently asked questions (FAQs) are available to all
users; the Attack Encyclopedia is also available to registered customers.
Support by seeing
You can view video tutorials on product installation and configuration that illustrate some of the top technical issues related
to McAfee products. A step-by-step approach is provided, visually capturing the screen during the process while a human
voice explains each step for better understanding and faster problem resolution.
Support by doing
As a registered customer, you can download software updates, daily DATs, signature files, and agent files to ensure that
your products are protected from the latest threats. Users can also visit the Global Solutions Lab for a live test environment,
allowing pre-deployment testing of product installations and upgrades.