McAfee Gold Technical Support
Response Charter
Gold Technical Support customer calls are initiated at the Tier I support level and are assigned a service request number to
manage the resolution of the issue. Every attempt is made to resolve the customer issue. Unresolved customer issues are
evaluated based on severity and priority of resolution. Based on this information, they are assigned an impact level value.
If tier resources have been exhausted or the issue is assigned a high-impact level, it is escalated to successive tiers as needed
for resolution. Each tier in the McAfee support organization will use all available resources to resolve the customer issue.
These processes apply to all service requests that are escalated within the McAfee Technical Support organization
Engineering/Product Management/
Manufacturing/Avert Labs
Tier III Gold Support
Product Specialist
Support Account Manager
Tier II Gold Support
Tier I Gold Support
Gold Customer
Gold Select Customer
Platinum/Platinum Select Customer
Escalation and response times
Depending on the severity level, the McAfee response charter sets out clear guidelines as to how frequently you’ll be
contacted by our technicians about the status of a service request. The charter also provides the maximum duration a service
request can be open before it is automatically escalated to the next tier.
Tier I Response
Tier I Escalation
to Tier II
Tier II Escalation
to Tier III
Tier III Tier III
Escalation to Dev
Status Updates
1. Business has stopped
30 minutes
30 minutes
4 hours
Continuous phone bridge
2. Business is severely impeded
2 hours
2 hours
6 hours
3. Business impeded
but functioning
3 days
5 days
5 days
4. Business not affected,
symptoms exist
10 days
15 days
25 days
5. Request for information
15 days
20 days
30 days
Every two weeks