SDT 5000 User Manual
Document MBUD-0109v11
the SDT 5000 the data is sent to the host. Messages are delimited by the RTU by sending a packet
without the M bit set.
The Narrowband Protocol is defined in: NBP Programmers Guide available from Wireless Matrix
Corp. Configuring Narrowband Protocol Mode
Narrowband protocol mode is configured with the ‘npcfg’ command. Please refer the SDT
5000 command reference document for a detailed explanation of the command and command
line facility.
The default value for the Narrowband protocol parameters are shown below:
ENABLE,R,NP enabled? : NO
BAUD ,W,RTU port baud rate : 9600
DATA ,W,RTU port data bits : 8
PARITY,W,RTU port parity : NONE
STOP ,W,RTU port stop bits : 1
DTR ,W,Data terminal ready (DTR) mode : OFF
ACKTMO,W,Narrowband protocol ack timeout (mS) : 5000
RETRY ,W,Narrowband protocol maximum retries : 5
REMIP ,W,Remote/CSC IP address :
A description of the parameters is shown below:
Protocol Enable
The ENABLE flag reflects the current setting of the ‘apmode’. If ‘apmode’
is set to “NP” the ENABLE flag will be set to YES.
RTU port baud rate
The RTU port baud rate controls the rate of data to and from the RTU port.
Valid baud rate values include: 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200,
38400, or 57600. The default value is 9600 baud.
RTU port parity
The RTU port parity defines the character based error checking. Valid
parity values include: NONE, EVEN, or ODD. The default value is NONE.
RTU port data bits
The ‘RTU port data bits’ defines the number of data bits of the RTU data.
Valid data bits are 7 or 8 bits. The default value is 8 bits.
RTU port stop bits
The ‘RTU port stop bits’ defines the number of stop bits per characters.
Valid stop bits are 1 or 2 bits. The default value is 1 stop bit.
Data terminal ready
(DTR) mode
The DTR mode handles the DTR input with the following values: OFF,
NORMAL, or WAKEUP. The default value is OFF.
If DTR mode is OFF, the DTR line is ignored.
If DTR mode is NORMAL, the DTR line is ignored.
If DTR mode is WAKEUP when DTR is asserted the transceiver is forced
on and starts listening to the satellite. If DTR drops the transceiver can turn
Version 1.1, 03/24/06
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