SDT 5000 User Manual
Document MBUD-0109v11
To select Narrowband Protocol mode use the command:
>apmode np
NBP mode has several configuration parameters that must be set to allow the data to be sent to
the host from the RTU.
To configure the RTU port connection for NBP:
The port parameters, baud rate, data bits, parity, and stop bits must be set to match the
RTU. The default values are: 9600 baud, 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit.
>npcfg baud 9600
>npcfg data 8
>npcfg parity none
>npcfg stop 1
The RTU must establish the Narrowband Protocol link.
The RTU can, via a Narrowband protocol primitive, request a connection with the host.
When the SDT 5000 indicates that the connection is successful the RTU can send data to
the host.
The data should arrive at the host after several seconds. The delay is due to the
propagation delay through the satellite.
To troubleshoot the RTU port for NBP:
Connect the RTU port to a PC equipped with the OBC32 test program from Wireless
Matrix Corp. The OBC32 test program implements the Narrowband Protocol and
provides a Windows interface. The OBC32 program allows the user to connect, send
data, receive data, and send commands. The OBC test program should display the current
SDT 5000 status.
If the OBC program does not display the status check the communication parameters to
ensure the values are 9600 baud, no parity, 8 data bits and 1 stop bit. Verify the RTU port
parameters correspond to the parameters used on the OBC program.
If the unit still does not respond check the RTU port connections.
Version 1.1, 03/24/06
Page 17