Maipu Confidential & Proprietary Information
The actual data flow does
not match with the expected
data flow.
Capture packets to view whether the actual data flow matches
with the expected data flow.
The parameter setting of the
tester is wrong.
Check the parameter setting of the tester and confirm
whether the packets match with the expected data flow.
Fault 2: After the packet is mapped by DOT1P or DSCP, it cannot enter
the queue for queue scheduling.
Possible Reasons
Judging Methods and Solutions
After applying ACTION
remarking, the packet with
the dot1p and DSCP priority,
the packet cannot enter the
queue, but can only enter
the queue according to the
carried priority of the packet
before remarking.
To let the specified data flow enter the queue, execute the
remark l2-priority dot1p-lp, remark l2-priority lp or
remark l2-priority dot1p command on the packet, and then
enter the queue according to the one-to-one mapping relation
of the lp and cos queue.
If the packet cannot enter
the queue after mapping the
packet by dot1p, maybe
because it conflicts with the
dscp mapping.
If the conflict happens, the dscp mapping takes effect first.
Fault 3: The packet cannot enter the queue according to the carried DSCP
Possible Reasons
Judging Methods and Solutions
The port is not configured
with DSCP-LP mapping or
DSCP-LP default mapping.
By default , there is no DSCP-LP mapping on the port. You
should configure the default mapping on the port.
The carried DSCP of the
packet does not comply with
the expected value.
Capture packets to analyze whether the carried DSCP of the
packet is consistent with the expected value.
Fault 4: The configured values of the port rate limitation and traffic shape
are inconsistent with the actual values.
Possible Reasons
Judging Methods and Solutions
The drive adjusts the value input by
the user according to the chip. The
actual value of rate is the integer
multiple of 64. When the input value
is not 64, the drive adjusts to be the
minimum integer of 64 larger than
the current value. The burst-size
In actual use, try to configure rate as the integer
multiple of 64 and burst-size as the integer multiple of