SolsTiS User Manual v10.0
Appendix C: Final Data and Typical Performance
Data for Your SolsTiS System
Please see Final Test Sheet shipped separately from this manual. If you did
not find a Final Test Sheet included with your shipment, please contact
M Squared Lasers or an authorized representative using the contact
information listed in Chapter 7
– Customer Service.
Appendix D: External reference cavity and
resonator input characteristics
MCX connectors on the back panel of the SolsTiS ICE-BLOC enable electrical
control of the main laser tuning functions.
The External Input connectors are labelled:
Resonator Fast external input:
The Resonator Fast input connects to the input of a high voltage amplifier
which drives a small piezo mirror in the laser resonator.
When the laser
is not locked
to the reference cavity this input can be used to
frequency modulate the output of the laser. The maximum deviation
achievable is about +/- 40MHz. This input is bipolar with a sensitivity at dc of
about 3.4MHz/V. Sensitivity remains flat up to about 30kHz then drops
gradually to about 1MHz/V at 100kHz. Note that when the etalon is locked it is
best to avoid signals on this input close to the etalon dither frequency as this
may result in the etalon lock failing.
When the laser
to the reference cavity the reference cavity lock
servo will, within its capabilities, cancel direct inputs to the resonator. When
locked, the Resonator Fast input should therefore only be used for applying
modulation at relatively high frequencies. The useful range is
between 25kHz and 100kHZ, taking care to avoid the etalon dither
Resonator Slow external input:
The Resonator Slow input connects to the input of a high voltage
amplifier which drives a long stroke piezo mirror in the laser
This input is intended for scanning the laser over its full tuning
range of over 25GHz when the laser
is not locked
to the reference
cavity. The sensitivity at dc is about 2.5GHz/V, rolling off gradually
above 50Hz. This input is bipolar and sums with the ‘Resonator
Tuning’ voltage set through the User Interface.
When the laser
is locked
to the reference cavity the reference cavity
lock servo will, within its capabilities, cancel direct input to the
resonator. Do not therefore apply a signal to the Resonator Slow
input when the laser is locked to the reference cavity.
Reference Cavity external input:
The Reference Cavity external input connects to the input of a high
voltage amplifier which drives a piezo mirror in the reference cavity.
This input is intended for external tuning / scanning when the laser
is locked
to the reference cavity. The laser can be tuned over its full
range of over 25GHz.
When the laser is locked to the reference cavity the sensitivity of the
input at dc is about 3GHz/V, rolling off gradually above about
300Hz. This input is bipolar. Note that the reference cavity servo
has a maximum rate at which it can hold lock to the reference
cavity. The rate is around 100GHz/s. Applying an external input to
the reference cavity above this will cause the lock to fail.