SolsTiS User Manual v10.0
Monitoring Intracavity Photodiodes and Voltages
The rear panel of the SolsTiS Wavelength Control Unit has a
Monitor Out
MCX that allows the user to check the output of all three of the reference
photodiodes (PD) built into the SolsTiS laser head (and, if included, reference
cavity). By switching the Monitor selection via a drop down menu in the laser
control page of the UI, it is possible to choose to monitor the etalon PD, the
output PD or the reference cavity PD. Similarly, system voltage levels such as
the Reference cavity voltage or etalon voltage can also be monitored via the
Monitor Out
Troubleshooting Tips
Please refer to all information contained in all instruction
manuals associated with your system. If, after consulting our
manuals and reviewing the tips below, you find you are unable
to recover the specified performance of your system, please
contact M Squared Lasers or your authorized representative
using the contact information in Chapter 7 - Customer Service.
Drop in SolsTiS Output Power
If a drop in SolsTiS output power is observed, especially if associated with a
change in ambient temperature that differs significantly from the last time
SolsTiS was operated, or if the SolsTiS system has not been used for a
considerable period, re-alignment of the pump beam into the SolsTiS laser
head may be needed. In this case, small, careful, iterative X, Y adjustments of
the pump beam steering mirrors in the POM should be made (see Chapter 5).
The Z axis should NOT be touched as this can cause gross misalignment and
potentially harm the laser.
Dirt/Contamination on External Optics/Windows.
The SolsTiS laser head, Pump Optics Module (and typically also the
pump laser head) are sealed, maintenance-free designs, and
contain no optics or other intracavity components that can be
cleaned. Consequently, when the S pump laser system is
operated in a climate-controlled laboratory environment, cleaning of
external optical surfaces in the laser system should not be
necessary. It is possible, however, that over time and depending on
cleanliness of the space in which the laser system is operated,
external optical surfaces may accumulate external dirt or
contamination, which may lead to a drop in output power,
degradation in output beam quality or, potentially, damage to the
optical surface.
If contamination of a SolsTiS, POM or
pump laser external window/optical surface is
suspected, please do not attempt to inspect or clean
this window or surface without first contacting M
Squared Lasers. Incorrect or unnecessary cleaning
of optical surfaces may result in a laser safety
hazard, may void your warranty, and/or damage to
the optical surface requiring a repair.
Cleaning of laser optics, if prescribed for
this laser system, should be carried out only when
absolutely necessary, and only when the laser
system has been shut down, safety interlocked, and
prime power disconnected, in order to avoid any risk
of exposure to hazardous laser radiation or voltages
during the inspection and cleaning process.