SolsTiS User Manual v10.0
Frequency Scanning (SolsTiS-SRX and
–PSX Only)
Once the SolsTiS laser cavity is locked to the reference cavity,
frequency may be scanned by scanning the reference cavity frequency (cavity
length). To scan SolsTiS’ frequency, first set the desired scan width, and then
set the scan time on the laser control page of the UI. You will then have the
option to either
continuous scan, single scan
ramp scan
. In all cases, the
centre of the scan will be the scan offset point set when the scan was started.
Pressing the scan button will start a scan. Pressing the button again will stop
the scan, at which point the user is given the option to
Keep scan settings
update to current tuning value
. Notes that this option is not available in the
cavity ramp
which automatically returns the system to its original scan
settings. Note also that, if the indicated offsets for either the étalon or the
reference cavity are near to either end of their voltage ranges, the scan may
fail, and lock may be lost during the scan.
Once the
Cavity Lock
has been locked successfully, the reference
control may be used to fine tune to a wavelength of interest, once again
observing the wavelength in the status panel. Upon finding a wavelength of
interest, the scan should be set up with the wavelength range to be scanned
(Scan Width) in GHz and a duration (Time) in seconds.
When a scan is initiated, the wavelength is tuned until it is at a wavelength
equal to the resonator set wavelength minus half of the scan width. This is the
minimum point. The wavelength is then increased until it is equal to the
resonator tune wavelength plus half the scan width. This is the maximum
point. The time for the wavelength to ramp from the minimum point to the
maximum point is defined by the scan ‘Time’ field.
There are three options for scanning:
Cavity continuous -
the scan is run as described; at the end of the scan the
wavelength is returned to the minimum point and a new scan initiated; this is
repeated until Stop Scan is clicked, at which point the user has the option to
Keep scan settings or update to current tuning value
, which either returns the
wavelength to the point it was at before the scan was initiated (resonator tune
wavelength) or updates it to the wavelength observed at the point
the scan is stopped.
Cavity single -
the scan is run as described; at the end of the scan
the wavelength is then returned to point it was at before the scan
was initiated (resonator tune wavelength). If the scan is aborted by
clicking Stop Scan, the user has the option to
Keep scan settings or
update to current tuning value
, which either returns the wavelength
to the point it was at before the scan was initiated (resonator tune
wavelength) or updates it to the wavelength observed at the point
the scan is stopped.
Cavity ramp
– this scan is used for small frequency range scans.
Modulate -
this is used for diagnostic purposes and is
In addition to internal control of scans via the supplied
UI, SolsTiS’ reference cavity can be controlled externally via
the rear panel MCX, with the gain and offset for this input set
by scroll-down options on the laser control page of the UI.