SolsTiS User Manual v10.0
SolsTiS Laser Head
SolsTiS laser emission is activated/ deactivated
solely by your pump laser control unit.
The SolsTiS laser head is a sealed, hands-free, automated device that has no
external adjustments or manual controls. Wavelength tuning (and, depending
on the SolsTiS model purchased, frequency scanning and locking) of SolsTiS’
output are all computer controlled via the supplied PC and software UI.
Figure 13 Schematic of SolsTiS system, showing SolsTiS laser head,
Pump Optics Module, and enclosed pump and SolsTiS beam
paths. (Reference cavity
– model SolsTiS-SRX only.)
The SolsTiS UI, accessed via any standard Web browser
communicates with the supplied SolsTiS wavelength control unit via
Ethernet (see Section 3.4 below).
The SolsTiS laser head has no embedded indicators. Indicators
showing SolsTiS’ output wavelength (and, depending on model,
parameters related to frequency and lock status)
—but not output
power level or laser emission status
—are displayed in the supplied
software UI, as discussed in Section 3.4.
The connections to the SolsTiS laser head are as follows
Figure 14
Electrical connections to SolsTiS laser head: A)
BOTTOM’ (BLUE); B) Earth connection. NOTE:
cable clamp not shown in picture to allow cable
location to be seen clearly.
Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 is recommended. Although we endeavour to check
operation of the SolsTiS UI with all commonly used Web browsers, some may not be
compatible. Please contact M Squared Lasers for more information.