SolsTiS User Manual v10.0
automatically. To resolve this, the PC must be given a fixed IP address if it is
to control the network device.
Installing and Configuring the SolsTiS Wavelength Control Unit
The factory assigned fixed IP address for the
SolsTiS Wavelength Control Unit
is printed on the serial number label located on the
back of the module.
A twisted pair Ethernet cable used to be
necessary to join two Ethernet devices directly
together. This has not been necessary for several
years as (almost) every network device now has the
intelligence to recognise when it is connected to
another device without a normal network switch or
router in between and automatically changes its
electrical connection to the network. This technique
is called Auto MDIX (Automatic Medium Dependent
Interface crossover) and is present on every PC built
within the last few years.
The IP address for the SolsTiS Wavelength
Control Unit can be set by a user logged in with
supervisor rights. In general, since every
organisation has particular rules for assigning IP
addresses, the network administrator should choose
the IP address (who may also choose to enter a
device nickname into the DHCP server).
To connect the laptop and SolsTiS Wavelength Control Unit
module is straightforward - because Ethernet control is used, there is no
software to install, no serial ports to configure, no USB drivers to contend with,
and no power up sequence. Simply plug the supplied <2m long
Ethernet cable between the laptop and
module and
switch both devices on.
should take under 30 seconds to boot up (much
faster than the PC). As soon as the PC is ready, start up Internet
Explorer (the default browser), open
and click on the
name of the
. Within a few seconds the SolsTiS
welcome page will appear. (Alternatively, open Internet
Explorer, then type in the IP address of the
Note - the usual http:// address prefix is not needed.)
Factory Default Password Settings:
Three password levels are provided. In order of increasing access
privileges, these are:
user level accounts are designated for normal, everyday
operation of the laser. These accounts can be accessed using a
user or supervisor username/password, or by M Squared Lasers
supervisor level account can define and alter
passwords, network settings, system firmware and safety-related
parameters. These accounts can only be accessed using the
supervisor username/password, or by M Squared Lasers personnel.
factory level accounts are for factory set-up only, and are
accessible by M Squared Lasers personnel only.
Typical factory default settings for these passwords are given below
(please check Appendix C for the default passwords implemented
for your system):
Supervisor user name:
Supervisor user password: