Labeling the Designation Card
Page 4-1
For the 8403 Voice Terminal
The 8400-Series Voice Terminals Instructions for Installation, Switch,
Administration, and Programming the Options
Issue 1
October 1996
Labeling the Designation Card
The designation card is a removable card placed behind a transparent protective
cover on which the user can type or print call appearance or feature assignments.
In most cases, the voice terminal’s designation card is filled out before the user
begins to use the set.
Do not discard the blank button designation card.
Instead, if
there is a preprinted designation card, place it over the blank button designation
card which comes with the voice terminal. The blank designation card can then be
used as a substitute if, in the future, there are changes in features, telephone
numbers, or extension assignments on the voice terminal.
The following information describes the designation card(s) for each voice
terminal and explains how the cards are to be filled out, if necessary, and
reinstalled under the plastic cover.
For the 8403 Voice Terminal
The designation card for the 8403 consists of two sections:
The Feature Directory section — Provides a convenient quick reference
list for 12 features. (These features can be accessed by pressing
and then entering the number assigned to the feature, 1 through 9, or 0, or
the character * or #.) The system manager or user can print the name of
the feature next to F1 through F9, F*, F0 and F#.
The Call Appearance section — Sections a, b, and c are provided for
noting the telephone number or extension of your voice terminal.
To label the card, use the instructions under “How to Label the Blank Designation
Card” later in this chapter.