Chapter 7 P2P Service
7.2 Setting P2P Service
7.2.1 Setting P2P parameter
(1) Setting communication module
[Fig. 7-3] Communication module setting screen in P2Pparameter
(a) As the left part of [Fig.7-3] project screen, select P2P02 or P2P03, double-click it.
(b) P2P01 is a setting value of XGB CPU internal communication. It’s fixed as Cnet.
(c) Double-clicking shows communication setting screen as the right part of [Fig.7-3].
(d) Set FEnet in types.
(e) Base is fixed as 00.
(f) Slot is 01~07. Set it by the installation sequence of XBL-EMTA.
(g) After finishing setting communication module, click enter key.
(h) Clicking enter key shows detailed item of P2P as [Fig.7-4].
[Fig. 7-4] Finishing setting communication module in P2P parameter