Chapter 10 Troubleshooting
Error Details
3. Check if HS link parameter setting
When parameter’s not set, station no. is overlapped, wrong block setting, wrong
block no., communication is not available.
4. Check link enable setting
With link enable setting, frame can be sent.
1. Check communication speed (Auto/10/100M-TX)
When the setting communication speed
is as same or Auto on network,
communication is available.
2. Check IP address setting
When IP address overlapped on network or invalid IP, communication is
3. Check if P2P parameter setting
Setting P2P parameter channel, block makes communication available.
4. Check destination IP address in P2P channel setting
When IP address of destination device is invalid, communication is not available.
5. Check driver setting
When communication protocol is same as destination device on the right channel,
communication is available.
6. Check link enable setting
With link enable setting, frame can be sent.
7. Check if operation of operation condition
Setting operation condition should be ‘On’.
Send/Receive unavailable during
P2P service
8. Check operation mode of CPU
Operation condition of CPU should be ‘On’.