Chapter 5 Protocols of Various Services
5.2 XGT Dedicated Protocol
5.2.1 General
XGT main protocol does communicate between LSIS Enet I/F modules. Read/write is available by instructions and
communication is available on PC, HMI by using XGT dedicated protocol.
XGT dedicated communication is available in 2-ways communication method of TCP and UDP.
Port no.
TCP/IP 2004
XGT dedicated
UDP/IP 2005
[Table 5-2] XGT main protocol
5.2.2 Frame structure
XGT dedicated packet structure through Enet
During the period of communicating by using XGT dedicated protocol, it includes LSIS frame which includes MAC,
IP header, TCP header and data for Enet communication.
[Fig. 5-1] shows XGT dedicated packet structure through Enet.
IP Header
TCP Header
LS IS Frame Format
TCP/IP Data Frame
Ethernet Request / Response Frame
[Figure 5-1] XGT dedicated packet structure through Ethernet
(2) XGT dedicated frame structure
LSIS own frame for data communication includes LSIS ID, instruction, data type, data.
[Fig.5-2] shows XGT dedicated frame structure.
LS IS Frame Format
Company Header
Data Type
[Figure 5-2] XGT dedicated frame structure