User manual
6.2. Initial Charging and Setup
Before setup, recharge the batteries with the help of the charger provided by connecting the power cord to the front of
the joystick for a minimum of 5 hours, the charger indicators must be green (they can also be red: completely dead, orange:
moderately low). See charging details in chapter 7.10 Batteries and recharging
To charge the chair, make sure that the circuit breaker does not switch off the general power supply of the chair.
Activated circuit-breaker Deactivated circuit-breaker
7. Use
The Out Chair is equipped with a joystick controller to guide it.
button is used to navigate between the different driving profiles.
It includes 2 or 3 driving profiles (depending on the options chosen):
• «Off-road» profile: 4-wheel drive wheelchair propulsion, adapted to most terrain with the ability to go at maximum speed.
• «Crossing» profile: 4-wheel drive propulsion, adapted to obstacle clearance (a step, a sidewalk, etc.) with increased instant
torque and a maximum speed of 5 km / h. It is advisable to use the steering lock in crossing mode if you have the option.
• «Indoor» profile (optional): 2WD propulsion, adapted to use with indoor casters. This mode increases the gyration speed
allowing for standard control of an indoor wheelchair. It is advisable to use the steering lock in indoor mode if you have the
The joystick is used to control the special features via the
button (seat tilt, retraction of the casters, leg rests, backrest
tilt, environmental control...).
7.1. «Off-road» driving profile
This driving profile goes at maximum speed and is most suitable for normal use on most terrains (roads, paths, sidewalks, bike
paths, forests, fields...).
Take account of the recommendations in Part 2. Safety
The maximum speed permitted is 10 km / h.
Pay particular attention on flat ground or when climbing, the seat should be positioned as parallel to the ground as possible and the
back as perpendicular as possible. When going downhill the seat should be tilted 10 ° backwards (relative to horizontal) and the
backrest 20 ° backwards (relative to vertical).
button provides access to the «off-road» driving profile. This driving profile makes it possible to reach the highest
speed of 10 km / h when the maximum speed is selected.
Do not attempt to climb obstacles greater than 4 cm in the off-road mode with a speed greater than 3 km / h, you could damage
your wheelchair and you risk falling from your seat.
This driving profile should be used in all cases, except in the case of occasional obstacle clearance or when the casters are
retracted (if option is available).
In this profile, the acceleration is gentle allowing for the autonomy as described in the technical features.
There are 5 different driving speeds, these speeds affect the maximum speed in a straight line but also on a corner. If you are in
a confined space where you need to manoeuvre accurately, it is easier to be more precise when using a lower speed (speed 2
or 3 for example).
When you need to cross slopes, make sure that they do not have an inclination higher than those in the technical characteristics
(see chapter 3. Technical Characteristics). Make sure you are in a configuration that allows you to cross over these slopes
(sufficient adhesion, no obstacles higher than 4 cm in the slope ...).