Rev A
COMP0/COMP1 (Pin 1/Pin 28):
Error Amplifier Outputs.
PWM duty cycle increases with this control voltage. These
are true low impedance outputs and cannot be directly
connected together when active. For PolyPhase operation,
wiring FB to V
will three-state the error amplifier output
of that channel, making it a slave. PolyPhase control is
then implemented in part by connecting all slave COMP
pins together to one master error amplifier output.
TSNS0/TSNS1 (Pin 2/Pin 3):
External Temperature Sense
Inputs. The LTC3882-1 supports two methods of calcula-
tion of external temperature based on forward-biased P/N
junctions between these pins and GND.
VINSNS (Pin 4):
Supply Sense. Connect to the V
power supply to provide line feedforward compensation.
A change in V
immediately modulates the input to the
PWM comparator and inversely changes the pulse width
to provide excellent transient line regulation and fixed
modulator voltage gain. An external lowpass filter can be
added to this pin to prevent noisy signals from affecting
the loop gain.
(Pin 5):
Ground Reference. The same
should be shared between all channels of a
PolyPhase rail and connected to system ground at a single
point. I
may be wired directly to GND on ICs that
do not share phases with other chips.
PGOOD/PGOOD1 (Pin 6/Pin 27):
Power Good Indicator
Open-Drain Outputs. These outputs are driven low through
a 30µs filter when the respective channel output is below
its programmed UV fault limit or above its programmed
OV fault limit. If used, a pull-up resistor is required in the
application. Operating voltage range is GND to V
PWM0/PWM1 (Pin 7/Pin 26):
PWM Three-State Control
Outputs. These pins provide single-wire PWM switching
control for each channel to an external gate driver, DrMOS
or power block. Operating voltage range is GND to V
SYNC (Pin 8):
External Clock Synchronization Input and
Open-Drain Output. If desired, an external clock can be
applied to this pin to synchronize the internal PWM chan-
nels. If the LTC3882-1 is configured as a clock master, this
pin will also pull to ground at the selected PWM switching
frequency with a 125ns pulse width. A pull-up resistor to
3.3V is required in the application if SYNC is driven by
any LTC3882-1. Minimize the capacitance on this line to
ensure its time constant is fast enough for the application.
SCL (Pin 9):
Serial Bus Clock Input. A pull-up resistor to
3.3V is required in the application.
SDA (Pin 10):
Serial Bus Data Input and Output. A pull-up
resistor to 3.3V is required in the application.
(Pin 11):
Open-Drain Status Output. This pin may
be connected to the system
wire-AND inter-
rupt signal and should be left open if not used. If used, a
pull-up resistor is required in the application. Operating
voltage range is GND to V
(Pin 12/Pin 13):
Programmable Digital
Inputs and Open-Drain Outputs for Fault Sharing. Used
for channel-to-channel fault communication and propaga-
tion. These pins should be left open if not used. If used,
a pull-up resistor to 3.3V is required in the application.
RUN0/RUN1 (Pin 14/Pin 15):
Run Control Inputs and
Open-Drain Outputs. A voltage above 2V is required on
these pins to enable the respective PWM channel. The
LTC3882-1 will drive these pins low under certain reset/
restart conditions regardless of any PMBus command
settings. A pull-up resistor to 3.3V is required in the ap-
ASEL0/ASEL1 (Pin 16/Pin 17):
Serial Bus Address Select
Pins. Connect optional 1% resistor dividers between V
and GND to these pins to select the serial bus interface
address. Refer to the Applications Information section
for more detail.
(Pin 18/Pin 19):
Output Voltage
Configuration Pins. Connect optional 1% resistor divid-
ers between V
and GND to these pins to select the
output voltage for each channel. Refer to the Applications
Information section for more detail.
FREQ_CFG (Pin 20):
Frequency Configuration Pin. Connect
an optional 1% resistor divider between V
and GND
to this pin to configure PWM switching frequency. Refer