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LGE Internal Use Only
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Only for training and service purposes
3.2.7 External Reset Handling
The chip reset can be controlled by an external RESET_N ball. If this ball is pulled low, the chip will be reset. All
PMU registers are reset during the external reset including LSIM control bits. The PMU statemachines are also
not reset from the external reset. An SW or watchdog reset will not reset the PMU registers. A SW and
Watchdog reset is seen on the reset n pad to allow the reset of external devices Basically there are three reset
Watchdog reset is seen on the reset_n pad to allow the reset of external devices. Basically there are three reset
sources, first the reset signal controlled by the PMU (reset_pmu_n_o), second the reset signal controlled by the
SCU (resetout_o) and third the external reset (RESET_N). The SCU reset is triggered by SW (for example due to a
SW reset or watchdog reset). The PMU reset is controlled by the PMU state machine. The output of the reset
handling block is the reset_postscu_n_o signal. This signal controls for example the μC subsystem and releases
reset for the controller. During normal start up, the PMU releases the reset_pmu_n_o signal after entering the
SYSTEM ON state. At this time the resetout_o signal is high, the RESET_N pad is not pulled low and therefore
the reset_postscu_n_o signal follows the reset_pmu_n_o signal. That means the μC reset will be released and
the μC starts operation. If the SW triggers an external reset via the SCU, signal resetout_o will be forced to low
for a certain time and RESET_N will be forced to low by the open drain driver. At the same time the feedback to
the SCU will be masked to not reset the baseband. The RESET_N pad is in the VDDRTC domain but the internal
pull up is connected to the VDD_VDIG1 (1.8V) domain. That allows the pad to be used as reset for external
devices running in the VDD1V8 domain. The RESET_N pad can also be used to monitor the chip internal reset
condition during startup.
The open drain driver is a weak driver, that means it can be forced to high during debug from external pushing
some current into the pad. In testmode signal reset_pmu_n_o is high, that means the chip reset is fully
controlled from external
3.2.7 External Reset Handling