Network storage location: Enter the path of the network storage.
Workgroup: Enter the workgroup for network storage.
User name: Enter the user name.
Password: Enter the password.
To verify if the network storage settings are correctly configured, click Test. The result will be
shown in a pop-up window. If it works, you will also receive a test.txt file on the network storage
When completed, click Save to take effect and then click Close to quit this page
The new
server name will appear in the server drop-down list on the application page as below. To
remove a server setting from the list, select a server name from the drop-down list and then
click Delete
Note that only when the server setting is not being applied to an event setting can
it be deleted.
Event Settings
In the Event column, click Add to open the event setting page
In this page, you can arrange
the three elements -- Trigger, Schedule and Action to plot an event
A total of three event
settings can be configured.