(Home) button
takes you to the main
menu. The
button can be thought
of as an undo function.
It takes you back one
screen. Changes that
were in process prior to
pressing the
are lost.
Home Menu
The Home (or Main) menu
displays after the power-up
process completes. It contains
information on the battery status
and six menu choices. Press
up/down buttons to locate the
desired function then press
A second Main Menu contains
additional Functions. Scroll
down to
and press Select
to view them.
Press Select
on the second screen to return to the first
group of options.
For most options, when you press Select, a message appears
on the screen telling you to point the LMCT-100-2 at a DLM
device and press Select again. This establishes communication
between the LMCT-100-2 and DLM devices.
For an occupancy sensor, the message tells you to point at the
specific sensor you want to configure.
Point and
Press Select
P o i n t t o d e s i r e d
O c c u p a n c y S e n s o r
P r e s s ‘ S e l e c t ’
For other devices, such as room controllers, which have no IR
sensor, the message tells you to point at any IR enabled device
in the DLM network.
P o i n t t o a n y I R
e n a b l e d d e v i c e o n
t h e n e t w o r k
P r e s s ‘ S e l e c t ’
For buttons and paddles, the process involves an extra step
of pressing the particular button on the device, as described in
“Button Configuration” on page 16
Once you make any changes and send the changes back to the
device, you must repeat the process of pointing at the device
and pressing Select.
The LMCT-100-2 Digital Configuration Tool is a hand-held
tool for setup and testing of Wattstopper Digital Lighting
Management (DLM) devices. It provides wireless access to
occupancy and daylighting sensors for setup and parameter
changes, Wattstopper Push n’ Learn™ (PnL) technology for
load configuration, switch and dimmer assignment and operating
parameter changes. The LMCT-100’s display shows menus and
prompts to lead you through each process. The navigation pad
provides a familiar way to navigate through the customization
fields. The LMCT-100-2 allows modification of the system
without requiring ladders or tools and can be done simply with a
touch of a few buttons.
The LMCT-100-2’s IR transceiver allows bidirectional
communication between DLM devices and the LMCT-100.
Simple menu screens let you see the current status of the
system and make changes. It can change any of the DLM
occupancy sensor parameters such as sensitivity, time delay
and more. With the LMCT-100-2 you can also change load
configurations, without any new wiring. The LMCT-100-2 can
change dimming system options such as scene assignments,
fade rates and other options not available through the standard
user interface. Additionally, the LMCT-100-2 can be used for
initial configuration of the LML-400, LMLS-500, and LMS-600
daylight sensors.
The LMCT-100-2 operates on three
standard 1.5V AAA Alkaline batteries
or three rechargeable AAA NiMH
The battery status displays in the
upper right corner of the display.
Three bars next to BAT= indicates a
full battery charge. A warning appears
on the display when the battery level
falls below a minimum acceptable
level. To conserve battery power, the
LMCT-100-2 automatically shuts off 10
minutes after the last key press.
You navigate from one field to another using
(up) or
arrow keys. The active field is indicated by flashing (alternates
between yellow text on black background and black text on
yellow background).
Once active, use the Select
button to move to a menu or
function within the active field.
Value fields are used to adjust
parameter settings. They are
shown in “less-than/greater-than”
symbols: <value>. Once active,
change them using
(left) and
(right) arrow keys. The
left key decrements and the
right key increments a value.
Selections wrap-around if you
continue to press the key beyond
maximum or minimum values.
Moving away from the value field
keys) overwrites the
original value.
When the bottom line of the screen contains commands
(such as SEND, SAVE, RECEIVE, etc.), both the left/right
and up/down buttons will move between the commands.
Sensor Configuration
Load Config (PnL)
Daylighting Config
Button Configuration
Dimming Configuration
Main Menu
IR Window
Sensor Config
Time Delay:
<20 min>
PIR Sens:
US Sens:
Trigger :
<PIR Only>
<PIR Only>
Value Fields
Function Fields (on Home Menu)
S e n s o r C o n fi g u r a t i o n
L o a d C o n fi g ( P n L )
D a y l i g h t i n g C o n fi g
B u t t o n C o n fi g u r a t i o n
D i m m i n g C o n fi g u r a t i o n
M o r e
Up or Down
S e n s o r C o n fi g u r a t i o n
L o a d C o n fi g ( P n L )
D a y l i g h t i n g C o n fi g
B u t t o n C o n fi g u r a t i o n
D i m m i n g C o n fi g u r a t i o n
M o r e
A d j u s t L i g h t L e v e l
G l o b a l N e t w o r k
U t i l i t i e s
P a n e l S e t u p
G r o u p S e t u p
M o r e
M o r e
S e n s o r C o n fi g u r a t i o n
L o a d C o n fi g ( P n L )
D a y l i g h t i n g C o n fi g
B u t t o n C o n fi g u r a t i o n
D i m m i n g C o n fi g u r a t i o n
M o r e