Dimming Load Parameters
Load 1 Dim Config
Low Trim:
High Trim:
Preset Level:
Burn-in Hours:
Low Trim
Entering a Low Trim value limits how low a load is allowed to
dim. This overrides any other light level settings. The value
options are 0–99% in 1% increments.
High Trim
Entering a High Trim value limits how high a load is allowed
to dim. This overrides any other light level settings. The value
options are 1–100% in 1% increments.
Preset Level
Entering a Preset value causes the lights to go to this light level
each time they are turned on. By default, the value is set to Last,
which turns the load on to its last used level. The value options
are Last or 1–100% in 1% increments.
Burn-in Hours
This feature allows the user to burn-in, or season, all of the
lamps associated with the load. This is most often done to
fluorescent lamps to insure stabilization of the lamp and/or
dimming compatibility.
The value options are 0, 12 or 100 hours. If 12 or 100 hours
is entered, then the associated lights remain at 100% light
level at any time they are turned ON until the number of hours
have elapsed. The light may be turned ON or OFF as desired,
however they do not respond to dimming during this time.
To save the settings for the load, select
point the
LMCT-100-2 at the switch and press Select again. You return to
the Dim Config screen and can either configure another load or
exit Dimming Configuration.
to repeat the configuration process for the next
button in the switch.
After configuring a load, always choose SEND
before going to the next load. New settings are not saved until
sent to the load.
To configure the previous load, choose
. This is similar to
, but chooses the previous load.
Switched Load Parameters
Load 1 Dim Config
Trip Point:
(Trip point alters
when a relay switches
during a fade)
For a Switched load, the only parameter that is adjustable is
the Trip Point. Even though the load is switched, it will still track
values between 1% and 100%. The Trip Point determines at
what point in a ramp or fade the load turns ON or OFF. The
value options are 1%, 25%, 51%, 75%, or 100%. The default is
For a room controller that does not support dimming, the
will not be selectable and will specify a switched
load only.
Send, Next, Prior
These options function the same as with dimming loads.
To access the Adjust Light Level option, select
when on
the initial Home screen to view the Secondary home screen.
Adjust Light Level enables communication between the load and
the LMCT-100. This feature allows a user to manually adjust the
light level of a load without the need for a dimming switch or load
button. This is particularly useful for setting scenes.
A d j u s t L i g h t L e v e l
G l o b a l N e t w o r k
U t i l i t i e s
P a n e l S e t u p
G r o u p S e t u p
M o r e
Adjust Light Level
Load <1>
LEFT/RIGHT picks load
UP/DOWN adjusts level
Press HOME when done
Keep pointing to
the device while
Press the right or left arrow to select load.
The selected load quickly turns ON and OFF.
Press the up or down arrow
to adjust light level
P o i n t t o a n y I R
e n a b l e d d e v i c e o n
t h e n e t w o r k , t h e n
P r e s s ‘ S e l e c t ’
K e e p p o i n t i n g t o
t h e d e v i c e w h i l e
a d j u s t i n g
A quick tap on
turns ON the selected load, a quick tap on
turns OFF the load. Pressing and holding
ramps the light level
up, pressing and holding
fades the light level down.
The Global Network option provides access to parameters used
to customize settings related to communication over a BACnet
network. BACnet communication requires use of network bridge
such as an LMBC-300 or LMBC-600, an LMZC-301 zone
controller, or an LMCP panel.
To access the Global Network option, select
when on the
initial Home screen to view the Secondary home screen.
A d j u s t L i g h t L e v e l
G l o b a l N e t w o r k
U t i l i t i e s
P a n e l S e t u p
G r o u p S e t u p
M o r e
There are two options on the Network menu:
Network Settings
Network Status
N e t w o r k S e t t i n g s
N e t w o r k S t a t u s
N e t w o r k – P a n e l
This label will change,
depending on whether
communication is with
a Panel or LMBC. The
LMZC will display as a
Network Settings
L M P a n e l
0 6 0 3 9 8 1 2 1 0
N a m e :
6 0 3 9 8 1 2 1 0
D e v i c e I D :
0 9 8 1 2 1 0
A u t o S e t M S T P M A C : < Ye s >
A u t o M S T P M A C :
0 5 1
B a u d R a t e :
< 3 8 4 0 0 >
M a x M a s t e r :
< 1 2 7 >
M o v e t o a n y c h a c t e r
w i t h l e f t / r i g h t k e y s .
C h a n g e t h e c h a r a c t e r
w i t h t h e u p / d o w n k e y s .
[ 6 0 3 9 8 1 2 1 0 ]