mc²96 Installation & Service Guide
Version: 1.0/3
5. Service Procedures
Restarting a Bayserver or Gateserver
Each bay has its own Ethernet server which can be restarted from the front panel. The procedure is the same
for Bayservers (in channel bays) and the Gateserver (in the centre section). Note that if you restart the
Gateserver, then this will affect the whole console.
You should perform this procedure if the graphics on an individual display freeze or look odd. Or, if the controls
and indicators on a panel do not respond or update. These symptoms can sometimes occur if the server looses
its Ethernet connection to the mc
control system.
Using a pointed object, press the recessed button at the top of the display:
The server restarts in a few seconds; during this time you will see the boot-up screen on the display. Once
complete, communication with the control system is re-established, and the Channel Display (or Central GUI) is