mc²96 Installation & Service Guide
Version: 1.0/3
3. The Hardware
Additional Notes for Gateserver Consoles
The Gateserver provides a more sophisticated computing engine that can boot on its own once power is supplied
to the control surface. To achieve this, the Gateserver has its own SSD storage containing the boot image. This
must be updated separately using the mxUpdater utility (included with mxGUI).
After a successful boot, the Gateserver connects automatically to its partnered Core (by creating a VPN
connection between the Gateserver and mc
control system). If there is no connection available, then the
console will show "disconnected" screens. Once a valid network connection is established, the screens update to
their "connected" state. This indicates that the console is ready for operation.
For the console to become fully operational, there must be a valid network connection between the
Gateserver and mc
control system.