mc²96 Installation & Service Guide
Version: 1.0/3
3. The Hardware
Dual-Fader Bays
Optionally, the FC Panel (978/11) can be replaced by the Fader Panel Upper (978/12) to provide a second row
of short-scale fader strips at the expense of Free Controls 3 to 6. The 978/12 can be fitted to individual bays as
required, allowing you to combine single and dual-fader bays within the same surface.
1 x Channel Display (978/13)
Identical to a standard channel bay.
1 x Fader Panel Upper (978/12)
with 16 x 60mm motorised faders, 48 rotary encoders, 16 mini TFT
displays, 214 push-buttons.
Replaces the 978/11.
1 x Fader Panel (978/10)
Identical to a standard channel bay.
Ethernet Bayserver
Internally, each channel bay is fitted with an Ethernet Bayserver mounted behind the display. This handles the
control data within the bay, and connects to the internal network.
Further Information
All faders and rotary encoders are touch-sensitive.
You can find more information about the individual panels and displays in their