background image

After opening the package, check the entire unit.
- In case of problems with this unit do not use it until you have consulted an authorized service/centre.
- Due to transport and packing dimension reasons, some accessories can be supplied disassembled;

in this case the fitting has to be carried out following the instructions on this booklet.

- All possible harmful parts of the package (plastic bags, foamed polystyrene, nails etc.) should be kept

out of children's reach.on ground and take the pallet off .



The performance of the machine are suitable for a
non-professional use. Structural technologies have
been studied to assure high reliability and safety
levels, and long life. It is absolutely forbidden to use
the machine in potentially explosive environments
or areas. The working temperature must range
b 5


 and + 50


C. The machine consists of

a motor pump protected by housing of shock resistant
The machine is supplied with a lance with gun,
equipped with a handle to offer a practical working
position; the shapes and the dimensions of the
handle correspond to the safety normes in force. It
is forbidden to apply any protections or modifications
on the high-pressure lance or to the washing nozzles.
The water you use for the washer must not be dirty,
sandy or hold any corrosive chemical products, not
to compromise the good functioning and the long
life of the equipment. The machine is used for
washing rolling shutters, main doors, tiles, cars,
campers, etc., where water pressure is necessary
to remove dirt. With suitable optional accessories,
the machine can carry out, sand blastings and

washings with the rotating brush, which has to be
connected to the lance.

  The washer shall be placed on a safe and steady plane

and in horizontal position.

   Whenever you use the high pressure washer, we suggest

to grip the gun in the right position, with one hand on the
handle and the other hand  on the lance, as shown in the
picture fig. 2.

  In case of operation indoors, adequate ventilation and

gas venting must be assured.

All our machines are subjected to strict tests and are
covered against manufacturing defects by a 12 month
guarantee. If your high pressure washer or accessories
are handed in  for repair, a copy of the receipt must be

Guarantee repairs are being made on the following

- That defects are attributable to flaws or defects in materials

or workmanship. (Defects not clearly attributable to
materials or manufacture shall be examined by our
Technical Assistance Center or in our plant and shall be
charged according to the outcome of the exaicination).

- That the directions of this instruction manual have been

thoroughly observed.

- That repair has not been carried out or attempted by

other than authorized service staff.

- That only orignal accessories have been applied.
- That the product has not been exposed to abuse such

as knocks, bumps or frost.

- That only water without any impurities has been used.
- That the high pressure washer has not been used for

rental nor used commercially in any other way.
The following are not included in the warranty:

- parts subject to normal wear

- the high-pressure tube
- accidental damage, caused by transport, neglect or

inadequate treatment, incorrect or improper use and
installation failing to comply with the indications in the
instruction manual.

- The warranty shall not cover any cleaning operations to
which the operative components may be subjected.

Repairs under this guarantee include replacement of
defective parts, exclusive of packing and postage/carriage.
The warranty shall not cover replacement of the machine
or extension of the guarantee resulting from a breakdown
.Repairs shall be carried out in our Authorized Technical
Assistance Center or in our plant. The machine shall reach
us carriage free, i.e. with transport expenses at the user’s
charge. The manufacturer declines all responsibility for
damage to persons or property caused by bad installation
or incorrect use of the machine.

fig. 2




Содержание Missouri

Страница 1: ......

Страница 2: ...istool 4 Hogedrukslang 5 Wateruitgang 6 Wateringang met filter 7 Rubberslang verbindingsstuk 8 Eelectrische kabel 9a Schakelaar van elektro pomp 9b Schakelaar van verwarmer 10 Watertemperatuuregelaar...

Страница 3: ...ns Dimensions Abmessungen Dimensiones Maten mm N Serbatoio detergente Detergent tank capacity Capacit r servoir d tergent Fassungsverm gen Reiniger Capacidad tanque detergente Cap schoonmaakmiddeltank...

Страница 4: ...l appareil et avec le pistolet soit effectu correctement sans qu il y ait fuite d eau ANMERKUNG dieser Hochdruckreiniger ist mit dem Automatic Stop System ausgestattet das die Maschine w hrend der Byp...

Страница 5: antisdrucciolo 12 Evitare di disperdere nell ambiente sostanze inquinanti nocive e tossiche 13 Disattivare l apparecchio in caso di guasto o di cattivo funzionamento Per l eventuale riparazione ri...

Страница 6: montaggio seguendo le istruzioni contenute nel presente libretto Gli elementi dell imballaggio sacchetti in plastica polistirolo espanso chiodi ecc non devono essere lasciati alla portata dei bambi...

Страница 7: ...ositamente per l uso con idropulitrici ATTENZIONE Per il corretto uso del serbatoio non introdurre sostanze infiammabili o chimicamente aggressive La testina regolabile permette di selezionare il gett...

Страница 8: ...g 1 pos 2 3 4 Collegare il tubo alta pressione fig 1 pos 4 al raccordo di mandata OUTLET fig 1 pos 5 5 Collegare il tubo alta pressione fig 1 pos 4 alla pistola fig 1 pos 4 3 6 Aprire completamente il...

Страница 9: ...prolunga devono essere impermeabili all acqua ed avere le dimensioni indicate nella tabella sotto riportata 1 5 mm2 max 10 m 2 5 mm2 max 30 m I cavi devono essere tenuti asciutti e sollevati da terra...

Страница 10: un centro assistenza autorizzato Consultare il paragrafo sulla manutenzione Controllare che la portata sia del 30 superiore al dato presente nella targhetta dati tecnici dell apparecchio Smontare e...

Страница 11: ...cover the unit 11 During operation wear suitable clothes complying with safety norms and in any case make use of protection glasses and antislip rubber shoes 12 Avoid to disperse polluting noxious an...

Страница 12: ...on the lance as shown in the picture fig 2 In case of operation indoors adequate ventilation and gas venting must be assured All our machines are subjected to strict tests and are covered against manu...

Страница 13: ...en studied for the use with washer machines ATTENTION For proper use of the tank do not introduce flammable or chemically harsh substances The adjusting head allow you to select water jet at low and h...

Страница 14: ...iffened tube with an inside diameter of at least 13 mm 1 2 3 Connect the high pressure hose ref 1 pos 4 to the delivery pipe OUTLET ref 1 pos 5 4 Put the lance in the spray gun fig 1 pos 2 3 5 Connect...

Страница 15: ...ould be of a watertight construction and comply with the belowmentioned requirements for length and cable dimensions 1 5 mm2 max 10 m 2 5 mm2 max 30 m Cable connections should be kept dry and off the...

Страница 16: not correct Impurities or water in the fuel Fit plug in power socket correctly Have electrical socket checked Have a check made on the suitability of the mains system Turn switch to ON while keepin...

Страница 17: ...nettes de protection et de chaussures en caoutchouc antiderapantes est obligatoire 12 Eviter de jeter n importe o les substances polluantes nocive et toxiques Respecter la l gislation en vigueur en ma...

Страница 18: ...isation impropre de l appareil F Abb 2 CONDITIONS DE GARANTIE Les performances de la machine sont adapt es pour un usage non professionnel Les technologies de construction ont t tudi es pour garantir...

Страница 19: ...s alcalins Nous vous conseillons d utiliser seulement nos produits qui ont t tudi s expr s pour ce nettoyeur ATTENTION Pour une utilisation correcte du r servoir il est interdit d y introduire des sub...

Страница 20: ...ube renforc avec un diam tre interne d au moins 13 mm 1 2 3 Introduire la lance dans le pistolet fig 1 pos 2 3 4 Raccorder le tube de haute pression au raccord de refoulement OUTLET fig 1 pos 5 5 Racc...

Страница 21: ...faire d abord aspirer la machine un produit antigel semblable celui utilis pour les voitures en ayant soin d vacuer le plus possible le contenu interne de m lange en faisant fonctionner la machine sec...

Страница 22: ...ue Faites contr ler l installation Placez l interrupteur sur ON tout en appuyant sur la g chette du pistolet si le probl me persiste adressez vous un centre de service apr s vente agr Consultez le par...

Страница 23: ...rschriften Schutzkleidung angelegt werden es sollten auf jeden Fall Schutzbrillen und rutschfeste Schuhe verwendet werden 12 Sch dliche giftige und umweltbelastende Produkte d rfen nicht in die Umwelt...

Страница 24: ...oder die unrichtige Benutzung des Ger tes bedingt sind D GARANTIEBEDINGUNGEN Die Maschine ist durch ihr einfaches Konzept und gro e Leistungsf higkeit f r den Einsatz im Freizeitbereich ausgelegt Die...

Страница 25: ...empfiehlt sich die Verwendung unserer Reiniger die spezifisch f r die Verwendung auf Hochdruckreinigern konzipiert wurden ACHTUNG Keine entflammbaren oder chemisch aggressive Stoffe in den Beh lter f...

Страница 26: ...4 an die Einla leitung OUTLET Abb 1 pos 5 schlie en 5 Den Hochdruckschlauch auf die Pistole setzen Abb 1 pos 4 3 6 Den Wasserhahn ganz aufdrehen 7 Dr chen Sie den Hebel der Pistole Abb 1 pos 3 so die...

Страница 27: ...30 m Alle Verbindungen mit Verl ngerungskabeln trocken halten und Ber hrung mit dem Boden vermeiden Das Verl ngerungskabel immer v lling ab wickeln um W rmebesch digungen am Kabel zu vermeiden HOCHDR...

Страница 28: ...sel lpumpe ist entweder blockiert oder durchgebrannt Der Thermostat ist besch digt Mangelhafte oder ausbleibende Z ndung Die Elektroden haben keinen richtigen Abstand Die Schmelzsicherung ist durchgeb...

Страница 29: goma contra resbalones 12 Evitar la dispersi n en el ambiente de sustancias contaminantes nocivas o t xicas 13 Desactivar el equipo en caso de desperfecto o de mal funcionamiento Para la eventual...

Страница 30: ...embalaje bolsitas de pl stico poliestireno celular clavos etc no deben ser dejados al alcance de los ni os puesto que podr an resultar fuentes de peligro E fig 2 USO CORRECTO DE LA MAQUINA Todos nues...

Страница 31: ...studiados expresamente para el uso con hidrolimpiadoras ATENCI N Para el uso correcto del dep sito no introducir sustancia inflamables o qu micamente agresivas La cabeza regulable permite seleccionar...

Страница 32: ...or no inferior a 13 mm 1 2 3 Colocar la lanza en la pistola fig 1 pos 2 3 4 Conectar el tubo de alta presi n fig 1pos 4 al r cor de salida OUTLET fig 1 pos 5 5 Conectar el tubo de alta presi n al r co...

Страница 33: ...Los alargos deber n ser impermeables y cumplir con los requisitos de longitud y dimensiones m s adelante mencionados 1 5 mm2 max 10 m 2 5 mm2 max 30 m La conexiones deber n mantenerse se cas y fuera d...

Страница 34: ...os Fusible quernado Filtro de la boquilla del quemador obstruido Filtro de gasoil tapado Baio rendimiento de la caldera Serpentina tapada por calcareos Combusti n incorrecta Combusti n alterado con pr...

Страница 35: ...t het stopcontact halen Voor een eventuele reparatie dient u zich tot een erkende dealer te wenden en originele onderdelen te gebruiken Bij het nietinachtnemen van deze regels kan de veiligheid van he...

Страница 36: ...niet onder de garantie Onder garantie valt het vervangen van defecte onderdelen het verpakken en verzenden valt hier echter niet onder De vaststelling van een defect betekend niet dat het apparaat aut...

Страница 37: ...kaline Wij adviseren u alleen produkten te gebruiken die getest zijn voor gebruik in dit soort machines ATENTIE Om de tank op de juiste manier te gebruiken mag u er geen brandbare of chemisch agressie...

Страница 38: wateruitlaatbuis fig 1 pos 5 4 Steek de hogedrukslang in het spuit pistool fig 1 pos 4 3 5 Open de waterkraan helemaal 6 Druk de trekker van het pistool in fig 1 pos 3 zodat eventuele lucht en moge...

Страница 39: ...ande eisen over lengte en kabeldikte voldoen 1 5 mm2 max 10 m 2 5 mm2 max 30 m Kabelaansluitingen moeten droog worden gehouden en mogen niet in contact met de agrond komen Rol de verlengingskabel in z...

Страница 40: ...e nemen met een bevoegd servicecentrum Contact op te nemen met een bevoegd servicecentrum Controleer of de capaciteit 30 hoger ligt dan de waarde die op het plaatje met technische gegevens van het app...

Страница 41: ...41...

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Страница 43: ...43...

Страница 44: ...AD La Firma que suscribe via J F Kennedy 12 46020 Pegognaga MN Declara bajo su propia responsabilidad que la m quina PRODUCTO Limpiador de alta presion MODELO TIPO est en conformidad con las directiva...
