Integral T process thermostats
21/01/2019 / YAWE 0026
Starting up
Analogue interface level (ANA)
The equipment is provided with two standard analogue signal inputs and 3 outputs. Each input and
output can be set to the standard signals 0 - 10 V, 0 - 20 mA or 4 - 20 mA. The signals are
connected to a 6-pin plug (66S) according to NAMUR NE 28.
View on socket (front) or plug solder face.
Use screened cables. Connect screen to connector case!
Coupling connector 6-pin
Cat. No. EQS 057.
Pin 1
Output 1
Pin 2
Output 2
Pin 3
0 V reference potential
Pin 4
Setpoint input
Pin 5
Output 3
Pin 6
Input external actual temperature.
The inputs are permanently assigned to the signals
setpoint and external actual temperature. The outputs
can be configured as required for outflow temperature
Ti, external actual temperature TE, and setpoint S,
pressure P and electrical output Y. The temperatures
can be scaled in the range -100.0 to 400.0 °C. The
pressure assignment is 0 to 10.0 bar, the electrical
output -100 to 100 %.
Pressing the
key leads to the submenu “Analogue
interface level”. All settings for the analogue inputs and
outputs can be found there.