Integral T process thermostats
Starting up
YAWE 0026 / 21/01/2019
The display only appears if function "Manual Start" is
activated which means that every time the unit was
OFFline, it has to be started with the key
In case "Auto start" is activated, the following display
is shown immediately after unit has been switched
If the key pad is locked (KEY-function)
the KEY-function must be switched OFF first.
Section 7.3.2).
On equipment types T 7000 (W) and T 10000 (W)
the pump is driven by a 3-phase motor. The direction
of rotation of the mains supply must be checked. If
the output pressure indication (
Section 7.5) does
not show a build-up of pressure, the direction of
rotation of the 3phase supply has to be reversed by
interchanging 2 phases!
This operation must only be carried out by a qualified
electrical technician!
If no heat transfer liquid is being pumped in spite of
adequate liquid level in the bath, the reason is an air
pocket which prevents the pump filling with liquid.
The remedy is to vent the external circuit at the
highest point!
Close the bypass valve on the back of the equipment
so far (clockwise) until the maximum required
pressure in the external circuit is obtained. If the
pressure in the external circuit is not a critical factor
the bypass valve should be closed completely. The
resulting discharge pressure is indicated in digital
form in the base menu. This can suggest information
on the flow rate and on possible faults.
If it is necessary to ensure that a certain pressure
must not be exceeded even if the external circuit is
blocked completely, proceed as follows: Close the
outflow (e.g. kink the hose shut) and set the
maximum permitted pressure with the bypass valve.
Then open the external circuit again but do not alter
the bypass valve setting!
Display of the actual bath temperature (top) with
0.05 °C resolution and of the setpoint. The pump
starts up. The values active before the equipment
was switched off are entered.