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LaCie d2 U&I AIT Drive
The Problem
Questions to Ask
Possible Solutions
The drive is not recognized.
Does your operating system recognize
Mac Users:
Open Apple System
the drive?
Profiler and click on the Devices and
Volumes tab. If your device is not
listed, recheck the cables and try the
other troubleshooting solutions
listed here.
Is the drive powered up?
Check the drive’s power cable. Make
sure that the Power LED is on.
Are both ends of the USB or FireWire
Check both ends of the USB or
cable connected and properly seated?
FireWire cable. Disconnect them, wait
30 seconds, and reconnect them. If
the drive is still not recognized in
Retrospect, restart your computer and
try again.
Has the correct drive installation
Review the installation procedure in
procedure been followed?
3: Setting Up Your LaCie AIT Drive
Is there a conflict with other device
Contact LaCie Technical Support for
drivers or extensions?
more details.