Windows Configuration 5-9
EcoLAN 2000E IP Address Configuration
The 2000E must be configured for TCP/IP communication. Please refer to section 5.7
for instructions.
5.7 EcoLAN 2000E TCP/IP Configuration from Windows.
IP Peer to Peer Printing Software Installation
The peer to peer printing software should be installed on each Windows 95/98 PC or
Windows NT 4.0 workstation that will use peer to peer printing services.
The IPX Peer to Peer Printing setup program may be launched from the same Acrobat
.PDF files which were used to access this manual or may be run directly from the CD
ROM using the following procedure:
Insert the CD ROM included with the EcoLAN 2000E.
Click on the Windows 95/98 or NT 4.0 Start button, select Run, and type:
D:\IP-P2P\SETUP.EXE (This assumes D is the drive letter of your CD ROM.
Substitute the appropriate drive letter if necessary for your system.)
Follow the setup program prompts.
The setup program installs a P2P-IP icon in the EcoLAN folder which may be
used for additional IP peer to peer configuration options. Usually it is unnecessary
to change the default values. See IP Peer to Peer Configuration Options later in
this section for descriptions of the configuration options.
Printer Driver Setup for IP Peer to Peer Printing
If the printer driver has not already been installed, please install it from the CD which
is shipped with the printer before continuing with the following instructions.
Click on the Windows 95/98 or NT 4.0 Start button and select Settings, then
Right click on the appropriate printer driver and select Properties from the menu.
In Windows 95/98 select the Details tab and click on the down arrow beside the
Print to the following port: field to display the list of available ports. In NT 4.0
select the Ports tab and scroll down the list of ports.
The IP peer to peer printers (printers with the EcoLAN 2000E installed) are
displayed by IP address in the list of ports. Select the desired printer IP address
from the list of ports and click on OK.
IP peer to peer printing configuration is complete. Print jobs will now be directed to
the selected printer IP address when the current printer driver is used. Page 9 Wednesday, August 19, 1998 11:57 AM