8. - Instructions for work
Wheel Rake
8.5.4 Final adjustments
If the rake still pulls to the left or to the right after
setting the tire angle and the tie rod length, final
minor adjusments can be made to allow the rake to
be pulled smoothly.
If the rake is pulling to the left, shorten the left tie rod
by tightening its clevis 1/2 revolution. If the rake
continues to pull to the left, lenghten the right tie rod
by loosening is clevis by 1/2 revolution. Continue
alternating between shortening the left tie rod and
lengthening the right tie rod until the rake pulls
evenly across the field.
If the rake is pulling to the right, follow the same
steps but using the opposite direction. Alternate
between tightening the right clevis and loosening
the left clevis until the rake pulls evenly across the
Crops with less density or lighter weight may need
to be raked with windguards installed on some or all
of the raking wheels when raking in windy
The front rake wheels should be fitted with
windguards first, and additional windguards added
as needed, working toward the rear rake wheels.
(A) Use the zip ties included to fasten the windguard
to the rake wheel as shown, making sure that lock
mechanism is on the non-crop side of the rake
wheel. Cut off excess tie after fastening.
Before adjusting, maintaining or repairing
the machine, perform the safety shutdown