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13.0 Boiler Cleaning.
Along with the development of the KSM-Multistoker, it has become easier to clear away the ashes that
are simply removed through the bottom boiler door using the appertaining ash shovel, or you may use the
ash pan in the boiler bottom.
Clean your boiler once a week to remove ashes that have settled at the boiler bottom.
When firing with grain, you should envisage checking the plant once a day to make sure that no clinker
formation is building up, as mentioned above.
Cleaning your boiler also gives you the possibility to check that the combustion takes place in the correct
way, wood pellet ashes should preferably be a pale grey and light dust whereas ashes from grain are
darker and coarser.
Approximately twice during the heating season you should clean the boiler flue gas ducts, this is done
through the cleaning door at the boiler top. Remove the cover plate on the boiler top, the cleaning flap sits
right underneath it. Unscrew the 4 nuts and remove the flap, this will give ample space for brushing down
the flue gas ducts. Please find below a sectional view of the boiler where it is easy to see the above
mentioned cleaning spots.
In all smoke pipes there are mounted spirals which have two functions.
When they rotate they are cleaning the smoke pipe and when they are still the smoke is braked at the
same time the rotating smoke heats the water before it disappears through the chimney.
Adjustment of the smoke pipe cleaner is done as described in chapter 4.5.5