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4.2.2 O2.
To make sure that the controller knows if the fire is ignited or/if the ignition should be activated, there is
some limit values for the O2 in the smoke gas which has to be set. Go to startup O2 %
If the O2 is over the indicated value, the controller will go in startup mode and activate the automatic
ignition if such is mounted, If not the fan will start pulsing to ignite the fire.
Please select:
Menu / Startup / O2 / Go to startup O2 %
Normally we use 16-17 % as basis for this parameter. Go to run mode C.
When the O2 is below the indicated value the controller knows that the fire is ignited and it will switch to
Please select:
Menu / Startup / O2 / Switch to run %
Normally we Please select a value between 2 and 3 % under the value in chapter
4.2.3 Smoke temperature.
The smoke temperature is helping to inform the controller if the fire is properly ignited or if the boiler
needs to be cleaned. Go to run mode °C
When the temperature is above the value you know that the fire is ignited and the controller can go into
run mode.
Please select:
Menu / Startup / O2 / Go to run mode °C
Normally we set this value to 5° C below boiler set temperature. Stop Boiler temp °C
If the smoke is too cold then we know that the boiler has stopped and there will be no reason to operate
any longer.
Please select:
Menu / Startup / O2 / Stop boiler temp. °C
The temperature is set to 20° C below the boiler’s set temperature.