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4.5.4 Fan.
The XXL boilers are mounted with 4 – 5 fans depending on the size of the boiler. The output of the fans
is controlled by the demand of output. The speed of the fans by the different outputs can be adjusted.
However, as basis the values underneath are used.
Please select:
Menu / Accessories / Fan / Fan 1 100
and insert 100.
Please select:
Menu / Accessories / Fan / Fan 1 60
and insert 60.
Please select:
Menu / Accessories / Fan / Fan 1 40
and insert 40.
Please select:
Menu / Accessories / Fan / Fan 1 30
and insert 30.
Please select:
Menu / Accessories / Fan / Fan 1 20
and insert 20.
Please select:
Menu / Accessories / Fan / Fan 1 0
and insert 1.
It is the same process for the adjustment for all the fans.
If it is needed, it is also possible to adjust the fans differently.
4.5.5 Smoke pipe cleaner.
These parameters controls how often and how much the heating exchanger has to be cleaned. Run time in seconds
The cleaner has to operate until the smoking pipe is clean to ensure a low smoke gas temperature which
results in the best efficiency.
Please select:
Menu / Accessories / Smoke pipe cleaner / run time s.
Select 30 seconds as basis. Pause in hours.
How often the cleaner shall operate is set in hour and it depends on how much dust etc the fuel provides.
Please select:
Menu / Accessories / Smoke pipe cleaner / Pause in hours
Operating with the cleaner every second hour is very appropriate.
4.5.6 Smoke fan.
To ensure a great deflagration and to ensure that no smoke comes out back of the boiler, the boiler is
mounted with a smoke fan.